The Yarnist Newsletter

The Project

Email newsletters have become a channel for high engagement content.

Companies and brands like The Hustle, Morning Brew, and James Clear have amassed millions of subscribers in the past few years.

While blogging is still great for SEO and establishing authority online, a newsletter makes sure people see that content on a regular basis.

The Goal

Create a daily email newsletter about knitting unlike anything in the marketplace to grow a massive following.

The Content

My approach has been to make a mini magazine each day.

Every "issue" has the same 5 elements:

• An interesting article about a knitting related topic

• A video knitting tutorial

• An inspirational quote

• A knitting pattern

• A funny knitting comic or meme

I want people to be waiting for the next issue because they are inspired, challenged, and left with a smile when they open my newsletter.


The Results

Since launching in September the newsletter has grown to 5,500 subscribers.

We currently have more than 60% open rate and an almost 10% click through rate.

Feedback has been incredibly positive with daily replies praising the format.