Sweater Planning Guide

The Project

Lead magnets are an essential tool for growing an email list.

The best lead magnets help answer a specific question, often one early in the customer journey.

Checklists, templates, e-books, and guides are all great ways to provide value to a prospect up front.

Once on our email list we can move them further down the funnel with additional resources and eventually an offer.

The Goal

Create a lead magnet to help knitters prepare to knit a sweater and promote our 30 Day Sweater challenge.

The Content

This 30+ page guide answers common questions about sweater knitting like how to choose a pattern, find the right yarn, and what tools will be necessary.

I worked with an illustrator to create custom diagrams, designed info tables and worksheets, and created multiple assets for original photography.

I also networked with dozens of influencers to include their tips, tricks, and advice throughout.

The Results

This is one of my most successful lead magnets, being downloaded well over 15,000 times.

I have continued to use it for years with minor updates along the way.